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R. Husmann (Gettingen, Germani)

Footage - Research Film - Documentary - Fiction Film - The Importance of Shooting with a Clear Targe

Footage - Research Film - Documentary - Fiction Film -
The Importance of Shooting with a Clear Target

Shooting ethnographic film (the so-called first production)is done for a number of purposes: some researchers just want to use it as a form of visual notebook, others want to shoot a research film (often however used as an educational film), while documentary filmmakers (and anthropologists working in a similar way) will adopt a number of filming strategies with a clear idea of the final film in their mind. Finally fiction film can also have an ethnographic background, and here the circumstances of the first production are again quite different.
The paper will discuss how these different ways of shooting ethnographic film material are guided by the target of what the final film should be like. It will discuss in how far it is possible or impossible to use material shot for one purpose for quite a different type of film.


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